Extracting Colors From an Image with k-means Clustering

k-means clustering Color Palettes Generative Art Data Art

A short demo using The Simpsons’ Couch Gag

Ryan McShane https://ryanmcshane.com

Today I’ll be demonstrating how to take a .jpeg, convert it to a tidy dataset (one pixel per row of \(<R, G, B, \text{row, column}>\)), run \(k\)-means clustering on the data, create a color palette with the result, and use that color palette to create some generative art1.

Generic Simpsons Couch Gag [(Looper)](https://www.looper.com/img/gallery/the-best-simpsons-opening-gags/intro-1596122307.jpg)

Figure 1: Generic Simpsons Couch Gag (Looper)

Utility Functions


Converts integer (0 to 255) colors to hexadecimal characters, with “0” padded in front.

Show code
color_rounder = function(int, round.by = 8){
  rounded = as.integer(floor(int/round.by)*round.by + round.by/2)
  char = as.character.hexmode(rounded)
  char_out = ifelse(str_length(char) == 1, paste0("0", char), char)
## Example usage
# color_rounder(254)
# [1] "fc"

Converts three integers \(R\), \(G\), \(B\) to a single R hexadecimal string preceded by a #.

Show code
RGBtohex = function(R, G, B, round.by){
  color = paste0("#", 
           color_rounder(R, round.by), 
           color_rounder(G, round.by), 
           color_rounder(B, round.by))
## Example usage
# RGBtohex(R = 120, G = 254, B = 1, round.by = 1)
# [1] "#78fe01"
image.as.tidy.frame and images.as.tidy.frame

Converts a .jpg image to a tidy data.frame (or multiple images).

Show code
image.as.tidy.frame = function(image, round.by = 1) {
  Simp_df = readJPEG(image) %>% 
    `*`(., 256) %>% round() %>% 
    as.data.frame.table() %>% 
    mutate(x = as.integer(Var1), 
           y = as.integer(Var2), 
           channel = case_when(
             Var3 == "A" ~ "R", 
             Var3 == "B" ~ "G", 
             Var3 == "C" ~ "B"
           base256 = ifelse(as.integer(Freq) == 256, 
                            255L, as.integer(Freq))) %>%
    select(-Var1, -Var2, -Var3, -Freq) %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = channel, values_from = base256) %>% 
    mutate(color = RGBtohex(R, G, B, round.by = 1))

images.as.tidy.frame = function(image_list){
  Simp_df = lapply(X = image_list, FUN = image.as.tidy.frame) %>% 

## Example usage
my_dat = image.as.tidy.frame("source-images/Simpsons.jpg") 
my_dat %>% head(3) %>% kable(caption = "first three rows of data")
Table 1: Table 2: first three rows of data
x y R G B color
1 1 149 80 93 #95505d
2 1 150 81 94 #96515e
3 1 152 83 96 #985360

Performs \(k\)-means clustering on an image stored as a tidy dataset. This function takes a substantial amount of time – I suggest running it one time, saving the results in an .rda, and commenting out the code used to generate it. I set the default number of clusters to 50 to ensure the colors weren’t oversimplified, but you may want to raise this to, say, 100 if using a photo or complicated painting. The number of starts, nstart, and search iterations, iter.max are set to larger numbers than default to ensure a solution is converged upon.

Show code
color_cluster = function(color_data, 
                         num_clusters = 50, 
                         nstart = 20, 
                         iter.max = 30){
  kmeans_out = kmeans(x = color_data %>% select(R, G, B), 
                     centers = num_clusters, 
                     nstart = nstart, 
                     iter.max = iter.max) 
  kmeans_df = kmeans_out$centers %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>%
    mutate(across(c(R, G, B), as.integer), 
           color = RGBtohex(R, G, B, round.by = 1), 
           size = kmeans_out$size) %>% 
  kmeans_df$color = factor(x = kmeans_df$color, levels = kmeans_df$color)

## Example usage
# Simp_clust = color_cluster(my_dat)
# save(Simp_clust, file = "cluster-data/Simp_clust.rda")
load(file = "cluster-data/Simp_clust.rda")
Simp_clust %>% head(3) %>% 
  kable(caption = "first three clusters", row.names = FALSE)
Table 3: Table 4: first three clusters
R G B color size
20 179 155 #14b39b 1382
85 109 54 #556d36 1616
180 152 36 #b49824 1846

Art Functions

blank_theme and color_strip

blank_theme eliminates all markings on ggplot by modifiying theme.

color_strip plots the color data frame (e.g., as produced by color_cluster). proportional determines whether the colors in the strip are presented proportionally to the data. rand.color.order randomizes the color order. margins is a four-element vector for determining the margins of the strip (in centimeters). rand.size.order = TRUE re-orders the sizes at random and rand.size.order = "exponential" generates exponential random variables to produce highly variable color widths. rand.size.order = "proportional" draws colors at random proportional to their original appearance probability (in the clustering); it also uses exponential random variables to randomize color widths. rand.size.order is only effective if proportional = TRUE.

blank_theme = theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),

color_strip = function(cluster_data, 
                       proportional = TRUE, 
                       rand.color.order = FALSE, 
                       margins = c(-0.3, -0.3, -0.3, -0.3), 
                       rand.size.order = FALSE, 
                       n = nrow(cluster_data)){
  color_pie = cluster_data %>% pull(color) %>% as.character()
  if(rand.color.order) color_pie = color_pie %>% 
                         sample(nrow(cluster_data), replace = FALSE)
    if(rand.size.order == "exponential") {
      cluster_data$size = rexp(n = nrow(cluster_data))
    } else if (rand.size.order == "proportional"){
      cluster_data$prop = cluster_data$size/sum(cluster_data$size)
      cluster_data$cumsum = cumsum(cluster_data$prop)
      cutoffs = runif(n = n)    
      for(i in 1:n){cutoffs[i] = max(which(cluster_data$cumsum > cutoffs[i]))}
      cluster_data[cutoffs, ]
      cluster_data$size = rexp(n = nrow(cluster_data))
    } else if(rand.size.order) {
      cluster_data$size = cluster_data %>% 
        pull(size) %>% 
        sample(nrow(cluster_data), replace = FALSE)
    plot = ggplot(cluster_data, aes(x = "", y = size, fill = color))
  } else {
    plot = ggplot(cluster_data, aes(x = "", y = 1, fill = color))
  plot = plot +
        geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") +
        scale_fill_manual(values = color_pie) + 
        blank_theme + theme_nothing() + labs(x=NULL, y=NULL) +
        theme(plot.margin = unit({{margins}}, "cm")) +

Creates a cowplot (a grid) of color strips.

Show code
colorstrip_cowplot = function(cluster_data, 
                              numplots = 30, 
                              margins = rep(-.278,4), 
                              rand.subset = FALSE, 
                              rand.position = "first", 
                              rand.size.order = "exponential", 
                              rand.color.order = TRUE, 
                              n = nrow(cluster_data)){
  Simp_list = list()
  for(i in 1:numplots) {
    if(rand.subset >= 3) {
      upper = min(nrow(cluster_data), as.integer(rand.subset))
    } else if(rand.subset) {upper = rdunif(n = 1, a = 3, b = nrow(cluster_data)) 
    } else {upper = nrow(cluster_data)}
    if(rand.position == "last"){index = 1:upper
    } else if(rand.position == "any") {
        index = sample(1:nrow(cluster_data), size = upper)
    } else {index = (nrow(cluster_data) - upper + 1):nrow(cluster_data)}
    Simp_list[[i]] = color_strip(cluster_data[index, ], 
                                 proportional = TRUE, 
                                 rand.color.order = rand.color.order,
                                 rand.size.order = rand.size.order, 
                                 margins = margins, 
                                 n = n)
  cowplotted = cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = Simp_list, ncol = 3)

The Resulting Art!

Show code
colorstrip_cowplot(cluster_data = Simp_clust, rand.subset = 15) + 

  1. here, I call it generative very loosely, as there are elements of randomness which produce the output, although it is contained randomness using standard ggplot2 and cowplot output types rather than free-flowing and wild as other generative art is.↩︎